Great Relief
Jesus Sanchoyerto was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 12. He has been part of the Epilepsy Alliance Florida family since 2009. Jesus’s parents came across Epilepsy Alliance Florida as they did their research to find medical support for his seizures. At the time Jesus’s parents were paying out of pocket for his neurological care and as well as for his brand name medication. This was causing them a lot of financial hardship, and Jesus’s seizures continued to increase. Having joined Epilepsy Alliance Florida Jesus was able to obtain ongoing neurological care and assistance with his brand name medication. His father stated he felt a great sense of relief and that this was a miracle for them. Jesus’s seizures have decreased, and currently, he is a year and a half seizure-free. Jesus and his family have joined our walks, in which Jesus has been able to make friends with other clients. This father is so grateful to be part of the Epilepsy Alliance Florida community.