Featured Stories

Faces of Epilepsy

Diana Soto’s Journey

Dania Soto's story is a testament to the incredible strength of the human spirit and the power of support in overcoming obstacles. Diagnosed with epilepsy…

Happy Toddler

This is Reef, he is a 3-year-old boy with 3 brothers. At a very young age, he would have over 200 seizures a day. It…

My Epilepsy Story

written by: Steve Schale  (board member of Epilepsy Alliance Florida) When I was a kid growing up in Illinois, like most boys in my town,…

Thank God I Found EAF

Thank God I found them! My Name is Martin Latino, I started having febrile convulsions when I was a child, not 100% sure but I…

Not Alone Anymore

Bailey started having seizures when she was 6 years old and for years she and her family thought she had them under control. But then,…

My Voice Matters

My Voice Matters This is Karmen Cummings. She has been a client with Epilepsy Alliance Florida since 2007. Karmen Cummings like many had no idea…

Grateful for EAF

Joana Fernandes is a 56-year-old female, who began experiencing complex partial and grand mal seizures at the age of 25 years old. The client lived…

Turning the Corner

When Chelsea was about 18 years old when she started drinking and partying. She was at her grandparents’ house one night and started having nocturnal…

Be Patient and Have Faith

Written by: Manuel Rosario I was born in Dominican Republic and all my seizures happened there. When I was about 13 years old (1993), I had my first…

Major Impact

Meet Denis Zepeda, a client with Epilepsy Alliance Florida for over eight years. Denis was diagnosed with epilepsy in his home country Nicaragua at the…

Understanding Epilepsy

Emmit Donaldson and his family became part of the Epilepsy Alliance Florida family via research on the internet by his mother and through a neurologist…

Living With Epilepsy

Living with Epilepsy is like living knowing a thief might come in the night. You do not know what time it will strike, but you…

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