Getting by With a Little Help: Curtis Lamb

May 8, 2024

Getting by With a Little Help: Curtis Lamb

Curtis Lamb had his first seizure at age 3 and was diagnosed with epilepsy shortly thereafter. He experienced absence, tonic/conic, and complex partial seizures on a regular basis for most of his life.

With the support of his mother, Curtis sought neurological treatment. However, even with medication, his seizures remained frequent. For many years, Curtis believed he had drug-resistant epilepsy and felt resigned to a life of daily seizures. As a result, he became used to avoiding social situations and suffered from frequent related injuries.

In 2018, Curtis was referred to Epilepsy Alliance Florida (EAFLA) after being hospitalized from an epilepsy-induced car accident.

At the time, he was having multiple seizures per week, despite being on anticonvulsant drugs. He was struggling to maintain steady employment and independence. He had experienced multiple car accidents and faced a revoked license, injury, and incarceration. He had also been denied disability and lived in a church’s shed, exchanging odd jobs for rent.

Signing on as a client of EAFLA, he finally received access to critical case management and medical services. He also received support with daily challenges.

EAFLA was able to provide Curtis with a meal at Thanksgiving through a partnership with a local church.

During a case review, Curtis informed EAFLA that his bicycle, his only means for transportation, had broken beyond repair. EAFLA reached out to a community-based organization that provides bikes to children and they generously offered to donate a bicycle. Curtis’s case manager was able to deliver a fully functional, gently used bicycle to his door in just two days.

With support from his mother, EAFLA’s case manager, and medical team, Curtis began regular neurological care. EAFLA providers connected him with diagnostic testing and documentation to approve his disability claim, and helped him find the combination of medications that helped reduce his seizures from once a day to once in every six months.

After two years in EAFLA’s care, Curtis now has a steady income, health insurance, and regular access to medical care and prescriptions. He has even purchased a home!

Curtis may still face many challenges due to his epilepsy, but he continues to rely on support from EAFLA and has found the strength and confidence to persevere.

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