My Voice Matters
My Voice Matters
This is Karmen Cummings. She has been a client with Epilepsy Alliance Florida since 2007. Karmen Cummings like many had no idea about epilepsy or seizures being a potential reality until experiencing two car accidents. Karmen was used to living a healthy life working as a teacher, a competitive cheerleading coach and active in the community activities. It was not a normal thing to ever go to the hospital or be sick. Karmen found Epilepsy Alliance Florida through the internet, and her mentor was a very important part of her support system since she did not know where to start with this new found diagnosis of epilepsy. Some of the activities and services at Epilepsy Alliance Florida that Karmen has participated in include but not limited to speaking to others via online support group and chat groups, medical assistance to find a specialist who fits her needs, and being referred to career resources. Being able to use these services and participate in support groups has helped Karmen gain confidence in sharing her epilepsy diagnosis journey with others publically and privately. Karmen also has realized that she is still able to thrive and be independent and responsible. She shares there is nothing to be “afraid” of. Karmen is passionate about making a change in how people who are diagnosed with epilepsy are perceived, and she feels that often times, the treatment has been unfair in the past. Karmen is thankful for Epilepsy Alliance Florida, and she is thankful and states that the staff has been “phenomenal” in informing, encouraging, and assisting her when times appeared bleak. Epilepsy Alliance Florida has changed Karmen’s life by educating her on epilepsy, giving her tools to share with her family and friends, connecting her with other organizations, and job readiness. She also has benefitted from receiving services including transportation. Karmen is interested in continuing to be a part of Epilepsy Alliance Florida, and she is interested in encouraging others with or without epilepsy. One of Karmen’s goals is to drive. Also, she would like to actively share and educate others with epilepsy, and she wishes to be a voice and advocate, so corporations are not able to discriminate towards people with epilepsy. Karmen wishes to show big corporations that their past treatment is unfair and unfound.